Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why We Breathe

Have you ever thought about why we breathe? Really, I’m serious. Stop laughing!

Of course we breathe to sustain life and provide oxygen to our brains and so on, but do you have to “think” about breathing? No. It’s just one of those things we do. It’s somehow built into the system of the human body. It’s automatic. Amazing stuff.

What else could fall into this category? What are some other things in our lives that just… are? Ooooh! Instead of thinking of the things that ARE in this category, let’s brainstorm on a few that could be or should be in this category. Sound fun? Of course it does.

Shall we begin with automatic acceptance? Would you believe the world to be a wonderful place if there was no prejudging? Make your evaluations of others when you reach the point of really knowing them. Face value often has no value. The inner workings are where one will find the true qualities of a person. Those qualities may be outstanding or they may really suck and you can walk away from that. You decide after you know them.

How about automatic praise? Giving others a pat on the back and saying, “good job”. Providing those words of public praise that elevate others is powerful. How often do we take the time to provide those supportive words and actions to those around us? Yeah, I know. Me too.

One more. Automatic respect. This falls into place when you do the other two. When you are accepting and when you give public praise you will automatically have respect for those individuals. You have found qualities within them to accept and you have observed an action that provides an opportunity to give praise. They are earning your respect as a result.

Here’s something to add to the coolness of this. When you do these things, you get all of these things in return. Yep! Sort of makes breathing even more fun, huh?


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