As a child I was intrigued by balloons. I often thought about being inside of one and what that would be like. Aside from the suffocation danger, I didn’t see why I couldn’t be in there. I would be isolated, yet I could still see out. The world would take on a strange transformation. Everything would be yellow or pink or blue. Everything would somehow be brighter but at the same time blurred. It wouldn’t be the view that you would want all of the time but it was cool at least for a few moments. Those few moments provided a child with the opportunity to let the imagination run wild and to see things in a different light.
Looking through a balloon still allows us to see tones and shades. We still have the ability to see objects and make them out. More things just sort of run together.
Imagine looking at the world through a balloon all of the time. Imagine being inside that balloon and just watching. Okay, now what? You are in there. What’s the big deal? Everything is one color. Wow. Why did we want for this?
We wanted for it because it was something new. It was an experience that we hadn’t experienced. It was the enjoyment of an adventure that we had not yet explored. But once we went, it became old news.
How many of you still look forward to new things? As an adult, do you still seek adventure? Do you still let your mind wander and allow yourself some time for “free thinking”? You should.
Whatever your situation, whatever your status in life, whatever you think about yourself, you should get inside your balloon once in a while and look at things in a different light. Oh, you’ll have to come out eventually, so don’t get too comfortable.
by Tony Wolfe
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