Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Lights! Camera! What now?

At that moment when you are hearing the countdown, you are all dolled up and looking quite striking if I may say and you have that bit of nervousness that makes you wonder if you need to take that extra trip to the bathroom. Then, three, two, (the silent one) and finally, the point! You’re on! Or are you?

The question isn’t “is this your moment”, because it is. It’s show time! The question is, are you on? Are you prepared? Did you practice? In preparation, have you done this so frequently that you treat this just like any other rehersal run, and it’s spot on? Many don’t and then they wonder what went wrong.

When we go to the movies or watch a program on TV we are disillusioned. It’s as though the actors have just walked onto the set and miraculously know the lines, know where to stand and know exactly how to interact with each other. It is no miracle. They practiced. They did it over and over until they “got it”.

The beauty of their scenario is that if they flub a line or get the giggles, it just gets cut out. In our lives, we don’t have editing capabilities when we are “on stage”. We must get it right on the first take. Will that always happen? No. But how we react to when it doesn’t happen is a part of defining just who we are.

The more prepared we can make ourselves the better the chances of getting that standing ovation.



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1 comment:

  1. I really appreciate this blog post Tony. You always have a way of giving life to your words. And, i always feel like you're talking directly to me. Keep the blogs coming my friend. They don't go unnoticed or unappreciated.
